Unbelievable! Terrace Is Hockeyville 2009!
I don't know if I ever truly believed Terrace would actually win this thing. A huge thank you must go out to the amazing Hockeyville Committe - Carol Fielding, RJ Miyagawa, Steve Smyth, Bob Park and Bruce Martindale. There are many more thank yous and more committee members, more than I can remember. But thank you, nonetheless!
This town has been on hard times for a long time now. The recent joke is that the global recession means everyone else is just catching up to us. Hockeyville has been an amazing experience, bringing life and hope to our hard hit community. Regardless of the NHL coming to town, and the cash prize for arena improvements, we have already won in so many ways, especially the youth of this town.
As Cassie Campbell noted when she was in Terrace: "I truly believe that win or lose, the people of the community of Terrace can honestly come out of this competition with the satisfaction that this project brought them closer together. People of different backgrounds all coming together for one common goal — each other."
To the Terrace is Hockeyville committee - thank you.
Final voting results from Kraft Hockeyville 2009 exceeded all previous records totaling 6,390,999 votes.
Terrace, BC - 1,923,456
Humboldt, Saskatchewan - 1,810,100
Woolwich Township, Ontario - 1,163,142
Harbour Grace, Newfoundland - 754,936
Thetford Mines, Quebec - 739,365
The Vancouver Canucks and New York Islanders will come to Terrace to play a NHL pre-season game on Sept. 14th, 2009.
P.S. - Congratulations goes out to the Williams Lake Stampeders. The Stamps defeated the Powell River Regals 5-4 in over time to capture the Coy Cup. The Stamps are the AA Senior mens champions of British Columbia. The Coy Cup Tournament was held right here in Hockeyville.
I did as much my part as you might expect from someone living on the other side of the continent in another country - I must have voted up to 50 times in this thing overall.
Thanks for your support Cornelius!!!
Congrats. I guess the 20 votes I put in helped a little ;)
Congrats to you and Terrace! Smithers failed at it twice, so I'm a little bitter that you guys got it on your first try :)
But it's awesome stuff. I want to get tickets. I gotta see this!
I wonder if Luongo will show..
Tickets? Did someone say something about tickets? Name your price, Joe!
Congrats to everyone in Terrace who worked hard to see this come to fruition.
Ha ha! I have no inside edge on tickets. Everyone keeps asking me if I know anything, but I can not imagine anyone knows as such logistics will just now be entering the planning stage.
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