The visitors had left the house by the time I got over there, but she was over-ecstatic that her cousin knew a former Russian hockey star personally.
She had never heard of him, and could not pronounce a name resembling any Russian hockey star I had ever heard of. Eventually we figured out that the hockey player he knew was none other than Vladislav Tretiak.
"Yeah, right" was my obvious reaction. I did not believe it. All of her family that I had known to that point had all lived in small town northwestern BC. How does this cousin I had never heard of before know Vladislav Tretiak?
Well it turns out he's a big wig with Cisco, based in Moscow and doubling with organizations like CERBA, the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association. He gets to meet a lot of famous people like Prime Ministers and hockey players.
I eventually did meet him and his family. He's a real interesting guy with some impressive stories to share, yet very much at ease in the local, small town watering hole.
He even promised me he would get me a signed Tretiak jersey when he met up with the goaltending great for the 8th annual CERBA Silent Auction in February.
I never doubted he would be a man of his word. I never would ask for such a favor myself, although it seems my girlfriend sent out a few reminders.
Well guess what I got this past week!

There is only one way I can repay him. And that is to tell you guys about the CERBA charitable pursuits.
CERBA teams up with the Vladislav Tretiak Foundation annually for a silent auction and cocktail. This year they raised over $127,000 US, with the money goes to children's, social and family institutions in Saratov and the Russian regions.

Thanks again Sheldon.
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