Alf Pike has one of the game's all time great nicknames: The Embalmer.
Pike did not earn his nickname by being one of the game's great villains like you might expect. No, he came about his handle much more innocently and literally - he was a licensed mortician.
Now Mr. Pike last played with the Rangers in 1947, so it is forgivable if you never heard of him. In addition to his own biography here at GHL, here are some must read links regarding the life of Alf Pike.
New York Times Obituary
New York Rangers Press Release
Andy Bathgate Remembers Alf Pike
Gentle Iceman At Work - SI Vault, 1960
Alf Pikes Day With The Stanley Cup
Head Coach Pike Had Unique Style
They honored him at MSG on Sunday at the Bruins/Rangers game.
How old was he again?
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