I live in a small town in northern British Columbia. It is probably best described a quaint little drinking village with a fishing problem.
When not working on hockey projects, I do have a day job where I get to meet more or less everyone in town. Some know me as the hockey guy. Others have no idea.
One of the guys who has no idea is a fellow by the name of Maurice Richard.
When I first saw his name on his credit card I had to do a double take. I could not believe it! Maurice Richard!

One day Richard came in and much to my horror he was wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs ball cap. That just isn't right, I thought.
He still comes in, but I haven't seen him in that Leafs cap in a long time. And I've never had the guts to ask him about his name. I figure he's been asked enough.
By the way my town also has a Lance Armstrong, an Abraham Lincoln and a Sandra Bullock.
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