The book is released today, October 28th. I previewed the release this past summer, but there is an even better preview available online every day this week at the Globe & Mail's website.
The Globe is publishing excerpts of the Cherry's new book, and I have to admit I'm impressed. I really wasn't sure what to expect from a book called "Stories & Stuff," especially one written by Al Strachan of all people. But it looks like Grapes clears the air on more than a few occasions. It's far more than just rock 'em, sock 'em on paper.
There are six parts to the Globe and Mail excerpt previews. Here's the two listed to date:
Part 1: All About Grapes
Part 2: So I Says "What The Hell?" So I'm Going Down Swinging
I'll post more as the days go on. Check in at Hockey Book Reviews.com
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