I never really understood why, to be honest. Michael Menser Dell, Jim Iovino, Jerry Fairish, and Zippy The Wonderchimp, not to mention a few others I'm probably forgetting, were brilliant at what they did, which was essentially pioneering today's hockey blogging community. They covered hockey brilliantly and more often than not with the wackiest sense of humor. I wasn't sure if it was journalism or entertainment. But I was sure it was 100% genius. Why they wanted a stiff like me I never knew.
LCS Hockey sort of disappeared for awhile. Hockey Over Time was sold to a group of investors led by former NHLer George Pesut, and was going to be rebranded as IceLegends.com and work with former players, but that all fell through with the Dot Com bust. Incarnation #2 never really hit the ice.
After focusing on the international hockey scene for a few years I returned to my hockey history website in 2006. I'm now entering my third season as the Hockey History Blogger here at GreatestHockeyLegends.com.
Around the same time I started incarnation #3, the gang at LCS Hockey returned and resuscitated the website to give us LCS Hockey: Born Again. They're back with their crazy antics, complete with a their own radio show.
Tonight I will take to the airwaves with LCS Hockey. Last week they had Puck Daddy's Greg Wyshynski, so clearly I have some big skates to fill. But I'll try my best with some wacky stories from hockey's history, plus a look back at international hockey. We'll look ahead at some of the hockey books coming out this fall. And undoubtedly those Mario Lemieux die hards will bring up the topic of the greatest player of all time!
Also, this week I've been busy introducing new daily regular features for the coming season of hockey. Monday has Famous Firsts. Tuesday has Top Tens. I think in honour of old times at LCS Hockey I will call Wednesday's new regular feature "Hockey Over Time." I will share the zaniest and craziest stories from hockey's past, hopefully combining hockey history with entertainment, just like the boys of LCS Hockey.

1 comment:
I'd like to suggest "Full Meal Fridays" where you'd set up the weekend games given what's transpired during the week, including comments on the history (recent and past) of the matchups.
This way we'd get your viewpoint on what's going on by utilizing your historical hockey perspective.
I'll be listening to LCS hockey.
If those guys cover hockey brilliantly there must be a reason why they want your input added to their mix, eh?
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