NHL 19 is a mixed bag of sorts, featuring 2 current players and 5 Legends.
Alex Kovalev and Ryan Smyth 2 join the collection. Smyth is in a Colorado uniform this time around.

My collection is a bit odd in that I only collect the Sports Picks of players that I am interested in. I don't think I have a complete NHL series yet, as I mix and match only the players of interest to me.
I almost always collect legends, but the other 3 Legends figurines I'll probably be passing on. Grant Fuhr has two more statues coming, featuring repainted poses from his days in Toronto and Calgary. Also coming is another Tony Esposito, but this time he's wearing a Montreal jersey. It appears to be another repaint, except for the mask. Yes, Tony O played all of 13 games in Montreal to start his career way back in 1968-69.
I'm not sure why McFarlane gives us oddball figures like Fuhr as a Flame or Esposito as a Hab. I mean, come on! Fuhr will forever be an Oiler, and Tony O a Blackhawk. The small minority that may want such an item can't make this a very profitable venture.
Instead, I'd rather see some other great figures, such as Paul Henderson jumping into Yvon Cournoyer's arms in 1972. Or how about Mike Eruzione in 1980. Rocket Richard is way over due. Or how about Tiger Williams riding his hockey stick? Or lets get really old school with Eddie Shore and Howie Morenz.
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