In 1981, the Soviet team won the Canada Cup, but they weren't allowed to take the Canada Cup trophy home with them. It took Manitoban truck driver George Smith and the generosity of many Canadians to overcome Cold War hostilities so that the winners could finally take home a trophy. CBC Sports' Mark Lee reports.
My question remains - whatever happened to that replica Canada Cup trophy?
Smith is from Winkler, Manitoba, which this weekend is ground zero for CBC's Hockey Day In Canada. All day hockey including 4 games and all 6 of Canada's teams.
Does it get any better than that?
My question remains - whatever happened to that replica Canada Cup trophy?
Smith is from Winkler, Manitoba, which this weekend is ground zero for CBC's Hockey Day In Canada. All day hockey including 4 games and all 6 of Canada's teams.
Does it get any better than that?
Today is also the second annual "Hockey Day in Minnesota" with our local sports station broadcasting three high school games, the Wild and then the University of Minnesota Gophers all day long. Two of the high school games will be played outdoors on a bay in the northern part of the state.
I liked the original format a lot better with the focus being only on the 6 Canadian teams playing one another. I don't understand the inclusion of the American teams, because you had two ptentially great games featuring Canadian rivals playing at the same time, and you can only watch one game at a time. This, to me anyway, made the NHL games feature of the special day just another Saturday night schedule. The rest of the coverage, however, was top-notch, as usual.
My question remains - whatever happened to that replica Canada Cup trophy?
Hi, Joe!
First I'd like to say it's a great site, really interesting to read.
As for you question, this replica CC81 trophy found its honourary place at the Russian Hockey Federation headquartes in Moscow. I'm going to have a look at it in a couple of days so if you need some amateur photos of the trophy just let me know.
I may also add that every player of our 1981 team was presented by a small version of this trofy personally.
Hi berestoff. I'd love to see your photos of the CC81 Trophy and where it is located.
You can email them to me at teamcanada72@gmail.com
Thanks! Joe
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