Eddie Kachur
Trent Kaese
Vern Kaiser
Alex "Killer" Kaleta
Tomi Kallio
Petr Kalus
Max Kaminsky
Bingo Kampman
Hannu Kamppuri
Sheldon Kannegiesser
Sami Kapanen
Mike Karakas
Vitali Karamnov
Paul Kariya
Dave Karpa
Valeri Karpov
Alexander Karpovtsev
Alexei Kasatonov
Darius Kasparaitis
Mike Kaszycki
Ed Kea
Mike Keane
Duke Keats
Dennis Kearns
Butch Keeling
Don Keenan
Rick Kehoe
Duncan Keith
Ralph Keller
Battleship Kelly
Pete Kelly
Pep Kelly
Red Kelly
Stan Kemp
Dean Kennedy
Forbes Kennedy
Mike Kennedy
Teeder Kennedy
Eddie Kenny
Dave Keon
Alan Kerr
Dave Kerr
Dubbie Kerr
Tim Kerr
Rick Kessell
Kerry Ketter
Alexander Khavanov
Yuri Khmylev
Ian Kidd
Udo Kiessling
Brian Kilrea
Hec Kilrea
Orest Kindrachuk
Derek King
Jason King
Kris King
Steven King
Bob Kirkpatrick
Mark Kirton
Kelly Kisio
Hobie Kitchen
Ralph Klassen
Jon Klemm
Petr Klima
Ike Klingbeil
Joe Klukay
Gord Kluzak
Julian Klymkiw
Rick Knickle
Paul Knox
Joey Kocur
Juraj Kolnik
Neil Komadoski
Steve Konowalchuk
Steve Konroyd
Vladimir Konstantinov
Chris Kontos
Jerry Korab
Dan Kordic
John Kordic
Jim Korn
Mike Korney
Igor Korolev
Cliff Koroll
Roger Kortko
Chris Kotsopoulos
Ilya Kovalchuk
Joe Kowal
Les Kozak
Slava Kozlov
Viktor Kozlov
Steve Kraftcheck
Lukas Krajicek
Skip Krake
Joe Krol
Rich Kromm
Robert Kron
Kevin Krook
Uwe Krupp
Paul Kruse
Mike Krushelnyski
Vladimir Krutov
Todd Krygier
Dave Kryskow
Ed Kryzanowski
Pavel Kubina
Frantisek Kucera
Kristian Kudroc
Eddie Kullman
Les Kuntar
Dale Kushner
Jari Kurri
Orland Kurtenbach
Tom Kurvers
Dmitri Kvartalnov
Oleg Kvasha
Larry Kwong
Gus Kyle
Nick Kypreos
Jim Kyte
Ralph Keller
Battleship Kelly
Pete Kelly
Pep Kelly
Red Kelly
Stan Kemp
Dean Kennedy
Forbes Kennedy
Mike Kennedy
Teeder Kennedy
Eddie Kenny
Dave Keon
Alan Kerr
Dave Kerr
Dubbie Kerr
Tim Kerr
Rick Kessell
Kerry Ketter
Alexander Khavanov
Yuri Khmylev
Ian Kidd
Udo Kiessling
Brian Kilrea
Hec Kilrea
Orest Kindrachuk
Derek King
Jason King
Kris King
Steven King
Bob Kirkpatrick
Mark Kirton
Kelly Kisio
Hobie Kitchen
Ralph Klassen
Jon Klemm
Petr Klima
Ike Klingbeil
Joe Klukay
Gord Kluzak
Julian Klymkiw
Rick Knickle
Paul Knox
Joey Kocur
Juraj Kolnik
Neil Komadoski
Steve Konowalchuk
Steve Konroyd
Vladimir Konstantinov
Chris Kontos
Jerry Korab
Dan Kordic
John Kordic
Jim Korn
Mike Korney
Igor Korolev
Cliff Koroll
Roger Kortko
Chris Kotsopoulos
Ilya Kovalchuk
Joe Kowal
Les Kozak
Slava Kozlov
Viktor Kozlov
Steve Kraftcheck
Lukas Krajicek
Skip Krake
Joe Krol
Rich Kromm
Robert Kron
Kevin Krook
Uwe Krupp
Paul Kruse
Mike Krushelnyski
Vladimir Krutov
Todd Krygier
Dave Kryskow
Ed Kryzanowski
Pavel Kubina
Frantisek Kucera
Kristian Kudroc
Eddie Kullman
Les Kuntar
Dale Kushner
Jari Kurri
Orland Kurtenbach
Tom Kurvers
Dmitri Kvartalnov
Oleg Kvasha
Larry Kwong
Gus Kyle
Nick Kypreos
Jim Kyte
Can you add John Kordic on your K list?
Don't you have anything to say about him?
Can you also add Andrei Khomutov to the list, please?
Where is Valeri Kamensky?
How about my buddy Todd Krygier?
Reggie Kerr had one golden season [30 goals in 1980-81]: it looked like he was going to become an elite player, but things went quickly downhill after that. Does anybody know what happened?
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